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How do I help a friend, her husband beats her every now and then and she doesn't want to pursue any legal course?
Asked by Female, 28, Married
There is a friend of mine who just now told me that her husband beats her every now and then when he gets angry. She does not want to pursue any legal activity as her husband is quit good in every other aspect. The girl has not any support from their families. What can be done in their case?

Dear Indu, thank you for writing in. This is a case of classic domestic abuse where the woman doesn't recognize this pattern as abuse and tends to justify it because she focuses only on the good in her husband. Whether frequent or not it is still abuse and she shouldn't have to suffer through it. Helping her recognise this as an abusive cycle which needs to be broken is important. Is your friend willing to help herself? She can consider counseling or approaching us here so we can offer her a sounding board to think things through. Be as supportive as you can and be gentle in your suggestion if she seems fragile. Please message back for any clarification or to discuss. Regards
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