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How to get husband to take an interest in sex?
Asked by Female, 28, Married
Hi, I'm married for 2 yrs now and me and my husband have had sex only about 10 times now. I feel it's very abnormal for a newly wedded couple. Both of us do like each other but never take efforts to initiate for an intimate session. I'm not sure if my husband is interested in sex at all. Could you please help me get a solution to this issue to start off.

Indu Padmakumar
Counselling Psychologist and Special Educator
At the start of the marriage, it may take time for partners to understand each other and become intimate. From what you have said about your relationship, you both seem to like and understand each other. Communication is key. Talk to each other about the issue, and if it still seems like you both have a problem, it would be best to consult a sexologist or have a proper thorough checkup with a psychologist as well to see where the issue lies. Wishing you both all the best.
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