Most effective ways to quit smoking cigarettes?

Hi, It is great to see make the effort to try and quit smoking. There are many ways to quit smoking, you need to find the best way that works for you and stick to that. The two main things to remember is that (a) It takes time (b) even if you fail with one plan, don't give up and stay at it, try a new plan. Here a few ways you can get started. Three lists - First make a list of why you enjoy smoking, what is it about smoking that you like. The second list you make is the things that you dislike about smoking and why you want to quit. The third list that you make is going to be about reasons why it is going to be hard to quit and why is it easy to quit. Keep adding to the lists as and when you come with up reasons. When you find that the number of negatives out-weigh the positives you are ready to quit. Set a quit date - Once you are ready with your lists, you can set a date that you think you are going to be mentally ready to quit and keep to that date. To make it more authentic, take the help of a friend. Write it on a piece of paper with your signature and ask our friend to remind you of the date as it approaches. And as your quit date approaches, try not to buy any more cigarettes. Slowly cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke daily. Avoid smoking triggers - Once you come to your quit date, avoid all triggers that make you want to smoke, like ashtrays, lighters, smoke smell, etc. Anything that makes you want to smoke should be avoided completely. And if you do feel the urge to smoke try to distract your mind and focus on other things. Chewing gum, or fiddling with a pen/pencil helps. Ask your friends and family to help and give you the motivation to go on and stick to your no smoking rule. Store all the money you are saving by not buying cigarettes - Keep a piggy bank and every day put the amount you would have spent on cigarettes into that box. By the end of the month, you will know how much have saved and this will be a great motivator to stop smoking altogether. Try to avoid caffeine - Cigarette smoking and caffeine go hand in hand, So when you are off cigarettes try to avoid caffeine as much as possible. Stick to decaf or green tea. This will help detox the body as well and get rid of the nicotine in your body. Once you get the nicotine out of your body your cravings will reduce. These should get you started off, just remember that you fail, do not lose heart, just start over and try again. It may not be easy at first but with a little willpower and determination, you can overcome this addiction. If you feel like you want to discuss this further and you need more tips, feel free to get in touch. :)
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