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My bf cheated on me. Not able to trust him again

Asked by Female, 26, In relationship
I am suffering from anxiety n depression. I was cheated in my relationship. I'm giving it another chance but I don't feel the same anymore. He says is guilty for what happened but I'm still not ready to accept it.
Thumb sneha jayagopal

Dear Writer, thank you for writing in. It takes a lot of courage to reach out and ask for help. I understand you are going through a very difficult time in your relationship. Your boyfriend cheated on you and although you have decided to give him another chance, you are still hurting from it. The relationship doesn't feel the same anymore even though he feels guilty about his actions. This has caused you anxiety and depression and you want to feel better.
To understand you better and help you accordingly, could you tell me more about yourself as an individual?
How long have you been in this relationship?
How did you find out about this incident and we're there any problems leading up to the incident?
You feel anxious and depressed, can you tell me more about what your fears and thoughts are?
Phrase message back to continue discussing. I am here to help. Regards

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