My girlfriend is overthinking, confused about our relationship

Dear writer, I appreciate your having written in. I understand that you are worried that you might get hurt and just now you are very unsure about the fate of your relationship. When you say that you think your friend is overthinking things or that you don't want her to feel obliged into being with you; you might be doing a little bit of overthinking yourself. You also said this might be your potential first relationship and although everyone's got to have a first at some point; i think that you might be letting your inexperience so to speak turn into an insecurity. Firstly you need to believe that you are special and worthy of having someone interested in you regardless. Secondly it is only when 'things happen' that a good friendship can turn into a relationship. You both are going through the awkwardness that comes with the "friends to partners" stage and while some adjust to it easily enough, there are those who need more time. So my friend I suggest you give yourself and your potential girlfriend some more time to find your bearings; in the process of which should you find out that she wants out then yes although it might hurt, you might have to chart it down as a life experience and that she lost out on getting to know someone special.
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