Can online marriage counselling save your relationship? Here’s the answer to all your questions related to marriage counselling and advice online.
How online marriage counselling can save your relationship
Can Internet help save my marriage or relationship through online counselling? Lately, a large number of people globally including India are seeking relationship advice online. There are online counselling and support websites offering consultations by professional counsellors and gurus via online discussions, Q&A sessions and video consultations; daily providing tons of advice on different relationship issues on sites like Quora, Loveguru, Yahoo and many more. Does it work? Is there any harm? Will it be effective? Will it be time consuming?
Online therapy is convenient. Both the therapist and the client have the convenience of corresponding with each other at a range of variant times. This style of therapy can take away the hassle of scheduling and setting appointments more common in traditional settings. This also creates an opportunity for the therapist to extend their services to more clients as appointments can be potentially scheduled over 24 hours and reach a larger geographical region.
“Relationships are steppingstones for the evolution of our consciousness. Each interaction we have, be it one of joy or contrast, allows us to learn more about who we are and what we want in this lifetime. They bring us into greater alignment…as long as we continue to move forward and do not get attached to hurt, anger, or being a victim.”
― Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace
For those individuals who are ambivalent about therapy or who may be uncomfortable with traditional models of therapy, may find online counselling more suitable whereby it has been found that online therapy is preferred by those who are uncomfortable with talking face to face with someone about their problems or who are suffering from social phobias, agoraphobia or anxiety disorders.There is no travel to another. More importantly you can choose anytime that is most convenient for you.
Online counselling is tailor-made for you
Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. There are many kinds of love, but most people seek its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner. For some, romantic relationships are the most meaningful element of life, providing a source of deep fulfillment. The ability to have a healthy, loving relationship is not innate. However, life goes not as per our plan and desires…Life changes and so does the circumstances in it. At times we break down and relationships might not be the Jack-Rose kind of,but it doesn’t mean we have to give upon the relationship for it’s the one of the worst things to do for yourself, for your partner and also for everyone around, including your family and friends. A broken relationship can be brought back to life with the work of counsellors to mend the torn pieces together.
Online marriage counselling
Are you a victim or volunteer in your unhappy, failing relationship? Online counselling is here for the rescue!
Online marriage counselling as the name suggests, is the provision of professional mental health counselling services via the Internet and telephone. The use of online counseling services is becoming far more popular lately because of social media, online business, and virtual employment. Now, licensed and certified doctors and therapists can provide online assistance to customers and treat certain clinical conditions like depression, bipolar, and anxiety.
We live in a fast, stressful and technology dependent world today which the earlier generation had never seen. We face different circumstances and problems than what they had faced in their times making it difficult for them to understand, bear and empathize with us. Trained counsellors or professionals are much more experts in giving the right advice than self-styled love gurus or even someone who has been through same problems because every situation is different and every one reacts to it differently.
The good news is Online marriage counselling works. But to make it work for you, you need to take care of the following things:
1. Always seek relationship advice from TRAINED COUNSELLORS
Make sure the person is a trained counsellor or a professional psychologist with experience in relationship counselling. You can choose a good website for relationship or marriage counselling based on the website reviews, rankings and authenticity. Many new counselors fresh out of graduate school have had excellent book learning but lack enough actual counseling experience to claim expertise and feel totally confident. So, it’s very important to choose the right website which eventually will have experienced and good counsellor.
An experienced psychologist is the best medication to all the mental-illness
2. Go anonymous to start with
Be explicit about the problem except your identity. Initially, it’s a good idea to stay anonymous. It gives you more confidence to share certain aspects of your problems that you would shy away if the other person knows you. One thing that most people are scared about when it comes to relationship or marriage counselling is the fear of being judged by the counsellors themselves. In this case, even if it didn’t work out no one knows anything. This mere factor provides enormous confidence to people in seeking personal advice. Online relationship advice is being preferred over face-to-face counselling by the victims themselves as it is more convenient and it helps them stay within their four walls, without giving the society a chance to judge them.
3. Don’t wait to start before its too late
Timing is everything when it comes to seeking help to bring your relationship back on the track. Most couples leave it as the last option and decide to go for counselling when the problems reach to the extreme end. Often it gets too late to carry on with a healthy relationship even after seeking counselling. When you start noticing that there’s a barrier in your relationship with you and your partner, it’s best advisable to get to the counsellor as soon as possible, because it’s better to revive the relationship at en early stage rather than towards the end of everything. The benefit of online counselling in helping couples is that it overcomes the barriers of social stigma without revealing their identity. This makes online relationship advice and counselling easier and more safe to try it. Get early cues and start talking with expert counsellors as early as possible.
4. Always do the homework
Nothing can change unless you have a real urge and will power to make it work. This means that in addition to going for the counselling you also need to do certain things from your side. Every counselling session has its homework and the results of the sessions depends on how well you do your homework . It gives you results to analyze and know clearly what is working and what not. Same applies in online counselling. Make sure you follow-up on things agreed at the end of session.
5. Give it time. There is no silver bullet
“The counsellor and the client are like the wings of the bird, if one is not intact then the bird can’t fly”
Counselling is a slow process, you can never expect over-night miracles out of it. But, definitely miracles are going to take place once you are patient and you start working on the issue, it’s not just about being counselled by the psychologist and letting all the problems to the counsellor. Once you describe your problem, you will get many answers. Don’t expect anything which would immediately change your life. Look for the first and easiest thing you need to do and start with it and keep a note of the effects it is saying either in a notebook or in your mind. Always share it with your counsellor in the sessions. Take a few sessions before deciding whether it’s working or not. Give your honest and sincere try to it.
Where there is a will, there is a way
Online marriage counselling is worthy of your time and all your problems, for you can contact the counsellor anywhere, any time according to your needs, however it’s up to you to make the most out of it. If you don’t put in your heart and soul into the process of reviving your relationship, you could never expect it to work wonders. The counsellors in the online marriage counselling will guide you on the right path to a MERRY RELATIONSHIP, but it’s you who have to walk the path.
“It’s possible for a difficult or a broken relationship to be restored to a place of health and emotion again, demonstrate love and forgive”
Are you facing any troubles in your marriage or relationship. Speak with our expert relationship counsellors on