I am uncomfortable with my MIL and brother-in-law's wife. Confused whether to join job or not?

You seem to have a lot going on, with a baby and your in-laws and the nuances of a joint family life. From what I gather, you seem to have a supportive husband which can work in your favor as far as your job is concerned.
Your idea of going in for a government job seems like a good option. It gives you enough time away from home, where nobody seems to understand your ambitions and also enough time to be able to spend it with your husband and child. Take up your husband's offer of getting a helping hand with the baby, after comprehensive background checking so that you can trust that you've left your baby in trusting hands while your away at work. Your education has taken a lot of effort and I think you should fuel it by going ahead and working in a place that helps you grow.
On the other hand about your family feuds, it seems like a situation that needs boundaries. It can be tricky but extremely effective once you have managed to set them with your sister- in-law and mother-in-law. You'll have to accept that there are a few things you have no control over, such as their mindset or behavior. What you can control is your reaction to these things. Let your mother-in-law know that you understand her thoughts about working women and jobs and appreciate her concern for you and your child, however your mindset is a little different and that you would like to have a career and family , well-balanced and that's what would make you happy. Ask for your husband's support in this conversation. It doesn't have to be a bitter talk, it just has to be you establishing your thoughts and needs in your family so choose your words and tone of voice well.
With your sister-in-law as well, when she makes a comment about you that you dislike, let her know on the spot, gently. Something like " I don't now what you mean to imply with that comment, but I didn't like it." You don't have to get into a full blown argument about it, you have to let her know that it's not okay to put you down. It might take a few tries but once she sees that you're not one to take a bashing quietly, she may stop voicing her thoughts so openly.
These are a few ways in which you can handle your in-laws. But the most important thing to remember is that you have ambitions and goals and you should be able to fulfill them with or without someone's approval. Your in-laws are a significant part of your life, no doubt, but don't let some comments take away from your goals. Put on the blinkers and start walking!
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